Sex Therapy

“Intimacy is being seen and known as the person you truly are.”
– Amy Bloom

2339499939“Isn’t pleasure supposed to feel good??”

I have had many clients question this over the years.

At some point, pleasure started to feel stressful, laborious, or challenging. Maybe they had trouble getting aroused or achieving orgasm… or their sexual desires or energy shifted… or they were confused or embarrassed about their fantasies.

Sadly, many accept this as “the new normal” of their relationship, as excitement and intimacy dwindle or wither up altogether.

When sex no longer fulfills or connects…

When physical intimacy falls off, emotional intimacy often goes with it.

With our busy schedules and routines, we often forget to prioritize building emotional intimacy with our partners.

Plus, it’s not easy to be intentional about opening up, being playful, remaining curious, flirting, and being emotionally and verbally affectionate.

597169154When you’re stuck in a rut, sex therapy can help.

If you’re struggling with sexual intimacy or expression – for whatever reason – it can feel like a part of your identity is lost. You might not even know what your emotional or physical needs ARE… let alone if they’re being met.

In therapy, you’ll increase your self-awareness, including the needs of your mind, body, and spirit.

You’ll gain tools to communicate more effectively with your partner, ensuring your needs are truly heard and understood.

We’ll identify obstacles preventing you from experiencing pleasure… and develop a plan for systematically removing them so you can experience deep connection with yourself and others.

You’ll also learn how to prioritize your relationship – to intentionally restore and preserve the intimacy that keeps fondness and admiration front and center in your relationship.

Feel excited about your future together!

I am passionate about helping people regain their confidence, be more expressive, feel more comfortable with intimacy, and build stronger connections with others.

If you have sexual concerns or want more out of your relationship, please reach out.

Call now, and we’ll schedule your free 15-minute consultation: (512) 593-8067.