Couples Therapy

1916606984We’re wired for connection and love, but…

That doesn’t necessarily mean that we’re open to it…

Or that we know how to maintain our relationships when we do.

Many of us stumble through our relationships, wondering…

“What went wrong?”

Maybe something shifted… and you’re no longer physically intimate.

Or you no longer know how to be playful with each other…

Perhaps you experienced a hardship and never fully recovered emotionally.

Or you’re fighting and arguing with each other…

You might feel so misunderstood and unheard that you’re unsure if you should continue the relationship.

1787156570You’re here because you’re struggling with SOMETHING.

Opening up to your partner…

Initiating physical intimacy…

Finding ways to have quality time together…

Exploring your sexuality…

Feeling disconnected from your body or lacking self-confidence…

You’re not alone.

Many of us know what it’s like to struggle in these areas – to feel isolated.

We tend to fill that void by looking for other connections, spending hours on our phones, watching more television, or finding other distractions.

When that happens, the disconnection and resentment grow until you decide to make a change.

739797655Don’t make the mistake of thinking it’s just a phase.

It’s possible, but most people convince themselves that’s the case – even when they know deep down it’s not.

It’s best to address what’s going on as soon as possible.

Couples therapy can help, even if you’ve been struggling for years.

Having an objective, impartial third party can help facilitate the changes you need to make. I’ll be in your corner, empathizing with and offering support to both of you.

Together, we’ll identify your strengths and give you the tools to communicate better and restore your lost intimacy.

Let’s restore the excitement and curiosity in your relationship!

You’re ready for your lives to be different.

You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t.

It takes courage to come together with your partner and face your difficulties. It’ll require that you both open up, possibly sharing concerns you’ve never expressed.

I’m here to empower you to create a more fulfilling relationship for you both.

To begin your journey, reach out and schedule your free consultation: (512) 593-8067.